第 PAGE 页码 页码 页 / 总页数 NUMPAGES 总页数 总页数 页刘诗诗的英文名是什么我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《刘诗诗的英文名是什么》的内容,具体内容:刘诗诗是最近比较红的明星刘诗诗的英文名,所以对于她的英文名你们也知道吧。下面是我给大家整理的刘诗诗的英文名刘诗诗的英文名,供大家参阅!刘诗诗的英文名Cecilia刘诗诗的英文作文1... 刘诗诗是最近比较红的明星,所以对于她的英文名你们也知道吧。下面是我给大家整理的刘诗诗的英文名刘诗诗的英文名,供大家参阅! 刘诗诗的英文名 Cecilia 刘诗诗的英文作文1 I most like the star is Liu shi shi.(我最喜欢的明星是刘诗诗) She is gorgeous.(她非常漂亮) Her smile is sunshine.(她的笑容很阳光) I like her very much.(我很喜欢她) She will be more and more famous.(她会越来越出名) Then there will be more people like her.(那时会有更多的人喜欢她) 刘诗诗的英文作文2 very one has an idol or someone that they look up to in life,i am no exception.Good morning to all,today i am going to share with you guys about my idol - Liu ShiShi (Cecilia Liu).Cecilia is a female actress contracted with the Chinese Entertainment Shanghai Limited.She made her acting debut on the television drama series The Moon and the Wind (2005) in a leading role.However i only started to notice her in a chinese drama named Chinese Paladin 3,i was caught by her gorgeous look as well as her sweet voice.Cecilia is so pretty that i couldnt take my eyes off her,watching every move she make,every breath she take as i dont wanna miss any expression of her.From then on,i have been watching every single television drama of hers,that is how much i love her.Now that i have shared with you all about my idol,what about the rest of you? (每一个人都有偶像,或者他们仰慕的人,我也不例外.大家早安,今天我要跟大家分享的是我的偶像-刘诗诗.诗诗是唐人电影的一位女演员.她的出道作品是月影风荷,但是一直到仙剑奇侠传3我才注意到她,她的美丽容颜和甜蜜的声音深深的吸引着我.她是那样的美丽,我的目光根本无法转移开,她的每一个动作、呼吸,只因我怕错过她的任何一个表情.从那以后,她的每一部电视剧我都有观看,我就是那么爱她.我已经跟大家分享了我的偶像,你们的偶像都是谁呢?) 刘诗诗的英文作文3 My favourite female actress is Liu shi shi,she is among the Four leading female stars in mainland.She is a girl from Beijing.She is very beautiful. She can both sings and acts very well.Now she is popular all around the nation on the screen because she had been taken on the leading actress in a lot of plays in the past.She wins the hearts of many audiences because her roles impressed us a lot.看过刘诗诗的英文名的人还:微信扫一扫二维码分享到微信好友或朋友圈来源:网友投稿